It is my great pleasure to graciously welcome you to our RA- ASIA 2024. The RA-ASIA meeting was established by the collaboration of its members across Asian countries. The mission provides a unique opportunity to unite, share knowledge, and explore expertise in the field of regional anesthesia. Regional anesthesia is a crucial aspect of modern anesthesia, and it is imperative that we continue developing our skills and knowledge in this area. The seminar provides an excellent platform for this purpose, featuring a fantastic lineup of speakers who will share their insights and experiences. I am confident that we will all gain valuable knowledge from them.
I do hope our hosting of the RA-ASIA 2024 will be a fruitful and appropriate platform for communication academically and socially among our members to share their valued and distinctive experiences.
I would like to take this opportunity to humbly invite all of you to join this resuming scientific meeting and enjoy a memorable time together in our unique and unforgettable experience in Songkhla, Southern Thailand.
Looking forward to seeing you at RA-ASIA 2024, Pannawit Benjhawaleemas, MD, FRCAT Chairman of RA-ASIA 2024
#Plenary lecture & symposium
Subsartorial catheter for continuous proximal adductor canal block
RA as sole technique for clavicle fracture surgery
ESPB in major thoracoabdominal surgery
Challenging neuraxial block: Ultrasound-assisted neuraxial block-we can do it !!!
Unlocking effectiveness in RA techniques for postoperative pain in thoracic surgery
Intertransverse-retro RCTL block is a new block or just a modified one technique